Estilo Vagabundo - Line 1 & 2
In this lesson, you will be following a different format. Instead of doing the RPT steps one by one, you will do all at once for each line. In this page, you will walk through the entire RPT process for lines 1 & 2 of the chorus of Vou Festejar. Note that this lesson has slightly more syllables than the last, so it may take a bit longer to complete.
In the track below, I chant the URB of line 1-2 repeatedly.
- Listen through one time to familiarize yourself with the rhythm.
- Play again and chant along with me.
- Do not move on until you can chant the entire Line 1 URB from memory without the aid of the audio.
In the tracks below, I articulate each syllable of each section.
- Listen closely and mimic my pronunciation exactly.
- If you are unsure about a symbol, review it in the Phonetic Notation Key.
- Do not move on until you are comfortable articulating each sound.
nɐ̃ũẽĩ...chɪ |ɐ̃ũ...ɛ...k&i...ɐ̃ |
In the tracks below, I combine the rhythm and syllables to construct the full lyric.
- Listen closely and repeat after me in the time allotted to you. Sometimes I will cue you in with the word "Go!"
- Do not worry about saying a syllable wrong, you will have plenty of opportunities. What's most important is that you stick to the beat.
- Do not move on until you are comfortable chanting each section from memory.
Line 1 |
Line 2 |
The track below replays a reduced speed version of lines 1-2 on loop several times.
- Press play and sing along with the audio repeatedly until the end of the track.
- Once the track is finished, try to recall the lyrics from memory and sing out loud without the audio aid.
- Do not move on until you are able to sing the lines correctly without the audio aid 5 times in a row.
Once you have memorized lines 1 and 2, you may continue to Lines 3-4.