Carolina Line 1
The audio file below repeats the URB rhythm for the first line of "Carolina". Listen closely to a few repetitions and then start to chant along with me. Do not move move on until you are comfortable chanting this from memory.
The line is broken into two sectoin: 1A and 1B. Listen closely to the articulation of each syllable and mimic my pronunciation out loud to yourself exactly.
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Use the audio files below to practice saying these syllables in combination.
- Listen closely to my pronunciation then mimic what I say exactly how I say it.
- You have just enough time in between my repetitions to fill in your own repetitions.
- Keep along with the meter and do not fret if you make mistakes. When you make a mistake, keep the beat going and listen closely to the correction when my turn comes around
Use the audio file below to commit the entire line 1 to memory.
- Play the audio file and chant along with the artist until the audio stopped.
- Do not move on to the next line until you can sing the lyrics from memory without the help of the audio aid.